The seasons in L'île d'Yeu

The ocean air envelops you, whatever the season

People here love to talk about the island's microclimate! The ocean air envelops you, whatever the season.

Needless to say, a destination like the Ile d’Yeu has lots of hidden secrets. When you get chatting to the locals you'll find they slip out here and there... but it'll take a long time to learn them all!



But you can leave the winter clothes at home. While the weather here varies a great deal, it is always gentle.

In the spring, the first rays of sun tickle your face.

In summer, a tan is easy - be careful to protect yourself though, the UV at the seaside can be high.

In autumn and winter face to the wind, to marvel at the ballet of roaring waves on the rocky coast.

The island's microclimate

People here never tire of showing off their vines, full of plump grapes, their blooming flowers and trees laden with fruit (apples, peaches and figs abound).

Everything grows on the island. The ocean climate perfect for gardening, combining characteristics of warmth in all seasons.

L'île d’Yeu, encircled by the omnipresent ocean, revives visitors with its soft spray and sea air, however long your stay.


Your first impression of the island will be the sensation of wonderful oceanic weather, which wraps you up and warms your cockles. Average temperatures fluctuate from 10 degrees in January to 23 degrees in July. The island receives between 2100 and 2300 hours of sunshine per year.

The four seasons mimosa releases its peppery, sweet scents and brings its bright touch to the palette of colours of the island. The Fripon wind blows across L'île d’Yeu, always present, with the fragrances of ocean spray.

In winter, the wind can sometimes unleash a spectacular display of crashing waves, a show of beauty for anyone who lingers on the island for a few days.